
Original application in 2016, interview, then trial period. Official certificate issued in 2017.

As part of the Codeable team, I had the great pleasure of working with top-notch IT consultants. A couple of years at Codeable significantly improved my
customer communication, requirements gathering, negotiation, and escalating, as well as my ability to rationalize and compromise when needed.

Many activities ranged from few-hour maintenance tasks to full-fledged yearly projects with full software architecture designs and implementations.
I can highlight some experiences which were the biggest learnings for me or the most impactful for the wellbeings of my clients.

Table of Contents

Codeable interview process and trial period

The whole interview process and trial period at Codeable was a remarkable experience. I can not disclose the interview process details. However, I can state that included building my project, technical skills coding interview, soft skills interview, and paid trial period. What was truly beautiful about this process was how supportive everyone was. I had the opportunity to show my strengths while understanding my weaknesses. It helped me find my niche and understand what I can improve and what kind of clients are perfect matches for me. Most importantly, this process gave me fantastic ideas for conducting my interview processes, which I will use in my future positions.

Estimates and communication with customers

Estimates. Codeable has fantastic processes and guidance tools to provide meaningful and engaging estimates. I will not go into details; codeable clients experience it daily. Bottom line, I understood what is essential in estimate processes, how to negotiate, find a balance of effort and value, and accomplish iterative development. Meaningful MVPs when needed or full-fledged projects when possible or required. Estimates were also my opportunity to help the team with my unique technical and financial perspectives.

Software architectures, green fields to legacy code

Software architectures. Green fields. Legacy code. Codeable clients, all together, were a fantastic combination of new green field projects but also existing, income-steady projects which had to be maintained or scaled. These cases are two edges of the spectrum. In green field projects, there is a need for immediate impact, utilizing new tools, creative technical ideas, etc. On that, mature income ongoing projects require a slower pace, awareness of your surroundings, understanding legacy code and utilizing strengths of legacy technologies when needed, and integration with new tools while protecting income streams. Codeable was a fantastic environment to acquire considerable project experience in a short time.


Codeable is basically a freelancing platform which vets both developers and customers. Their acceptance rate is 2% and they hire based on demand. Available projects are ranging from few hour support tasks to monthly and yearly full project commissions.

My roles: Senior Software Engineer; Consultant; WordPress Consultant; Backend Developer; Software Architect; Support Engineer

Impact: Speed Optimization; Improved Security; Improved Scalability; Legacy code improvement; Maintenance; Database optimization