Firstly, thank you all for comments and ideas related to my revamped blog. Some of you asked me about PHP and Java projects with code samples which I had on my old blog. I have moved these code samples to git repositories while ago.
Therefore, I will use this post to point to the repositories where these PHP and Java code examples can be found.
PHP and Java projects
Currently, there are several PHP and JAVA projects which I made public in a previous period of time. You can find each one of them described below, with links to code and documentation. Hope you will find this useful! Enjoy!

AuthMicroservice in PHP
This is boilerplate project for authentication and authorization microservice based on Lumen and JWT.
- Lumen is a lightweight framework for Rest API services based on Laravel.
- JWT (JSON Web Token) is a standard for creating a Rest API token. Details about JWT can be found here.
AuthMicroservice handles authentication and authorization for users. The service provides the following functionality as API endpoints:
- Authenticate a user (with a password), create a session and return a session token (should be a JWT token)
- Validate a session token
- Close a session
- Retrieve permissions for a user + session combination
- Grant and revoke permissions for users
- Authorize endpoint that responds to “can user X execute action Y”
- Retrieve permissions for a user + session combination
- Grant and revoke permissions for users
- Authorize endpoint that responds to “can user X execute action Y”
You can find a complete code here. Moreover, you can find a complete documentation about this project here.

WP Chrono, WordPress plugin
Firstly, WPChrono was a pet project, where I wanted to create a WordPress plugin. Furthermore I wanted to write this plugin properly.
Secondly, I wanted to code WordPress plugin in object oriented way.
Finally, I wanted to make this plugin WPML compatible.
You can find complete source code of WP Chrono plugin here. This plugin is part of a WordPress repository as well.
If you want to use WordPress with Docker, there is a repository for Docker WordPress configuration file, which I use in my development.

Object Oriented programming in Java, course and code examples
While ago, I was a trainer for group of 20 people who wanted to learn Object Oriented Programming in Java. For this occasion I made 50+ code examples in Java. These examples cover:
- Basic Java concepts (variables, selections, cycles)
- Object Oriented concepts (classes, objects, inheritance, etc.)
- Arrays and Java Collections (other data structures in Java)
- Exceptions handling
- Debugging
- Serialization and sorted maps
You can find complete source code of the Object Oriented programming in Java course here.

Course – Internet Programming in Java, course and code examples
This is a 20-example course for Internet Programming in Java.
Firstly, functional examples which explain Servlets and JSP are covered by this course. JSF framework is covered by this course as well.
You can find complete source code for the Internet Programming in Java course here.
Further reading
If you are generally interested in coding, read more about code review (a.k.a. pull requests) process.
Finally, if you would like to get connected with Graz PHP community, check out this post.
One last thing, if you like my blog posts, I would appreciate if you write a comment or share them. I would like to reach people who would find these code samples helpful. Thanks!