Milan Latinović
Software Engineer and Enterprise Architect
How to speedup WordPress website under 0.8s?
How to speed up a WordPress website? This is a commonly asked question, with lots of different approaches and various experiences. A few months ago I have reactivated my personal blog. Yes, the one you are reading right now. I am trying to write high quality technical articles. However, I also want to make my…
Object pool design pattern in PHP, Learn design patterns
This article with guide you through the object pool design pattern PHP, with theory explanation, and the practical example as well. Object Pool design pattern in PHP Object pool design pattern is a concept which essentially proposes the reuse of existing objects, instead of creating lots of new ones. It belongs to the category of…
Prototype design pattern, prototype pattern
Prototype design pattern is used when we want to create one object which can be used as a template (prototype) for creation of some other objects. Prototype pattern is one of the creational patterns (because it indicates a way of how we create objects). Creational patterns are: Factory pattern, Abstract factory pattern, Singleton pattern, Prototype…
Singleton design pattern in PHP, Learn design patterns
This article with guide you through the singleton pattern in PHP, with theory explanation, and the practical example as well. Singleton design pattern is one of the first design patterns that is explained in any design patterns book or tutorial. Singleton Design Pattern in PHP Nature wise, singleton pattern belongs to the category of creational…
SymfonyCon 2019 Amsterdam, Conference notes
This article is about SymfonyCon 2019 in Amsterdam. If you are interested in Symfony Conference 2020 Online, read all about it here. SymfonyCon 2019 is organized in Amsterdam this year. Borislav Lazendic and me are attending the conference between 19th to November 23rd of November. If you are at the conference or in #Amsterdam at…