Monthly Archives: February 2019

Writing technical specifications and estimates


Writing technical specifications is a very common requirement if you work as integrator, solution architect or technical manager. In this article you will find some tips on what to do and what to avoid when writing technical specifications. Introduction Usual process is quite simple. Management of your company want’s to introduce something new. For example,…

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REST API tutorial – What is API? REST vs RESTful?

rest api tutorial what is api rest vs restfull

REST is one common approach related to building web applications. It is one important term that all web application developers should understand. This is the main goal of this REST API tutorial. Furthermore, a good understanding of what is REST can be beneficial for other stakeholders as well. Introduction to the REST API This article…

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Token based authentication and authorization with OAuth

authentication token

Open Authorization is commonly known as OAuth. This is an open standard for token based authentication and authorization on the internet. OAuth provides a way for third party services to use user related data without user password. Also, OAuth means additional security for user account. Let’s make things more simple. What if there would be…

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