Automation and AI in Software Engineering

Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering

This article is about Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities. It represents a paper published at a highly ranked HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS). This paper was written with great help and supervision of prof. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler. Given article and paper might be relevant for you as well. … Read more

Next Industrial revolution: What is ChatGPT? Will it replace jobs?

This article sheds some light related to the question will ChatGPT or AIs in general start replacing jobs and disturbing the industry as we know it. The inspiration for this article came sometime in the beginning of January 2023 after my LinkedIn got flooded with ChatGPT posts, apocalyptic Skynet prognoses, and hype about the new … Read more