WordPress Security and Optimization

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This article will provide you with major concerns when it comes to WordPress security and optimization. WordPress Security and Optimization – Maintaining web sites WordPress Security and Optimization is very important. Luckily, maintaining WordPress web sites became pretty simple and direct task. There is a great number of available themes, both free and premium. Furthermore … Read more

WordPress and WPML multilanguage

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WordPress and WPML multilanguage: While ago I had very interesting conversation with Joe Lobo from the WPML team. We had a short interview/conversation about creation of multilingual web sites in WordPress. Lately I had a several different inquiries about multilingual web sites from several friends who are project managers or product owners. Therefore I have … Read more

GrazPHP Meetup, Year One

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Introduction One year ago, Borislav Lazendić and I started GrazPHP meetup. We wanted to create a small community of people who are interested in development and PHP subjects. Overall idea was to have periodical meetups. Therefore different lecturers would be able to share their knowledge and promote their work within our community. It was a … Read more

Automation of API documentation

Automation of API documentation is project where we wanted to automate process of API documentation generation. Motivation for the automation of API documentation Before this project we used Swagger standard to manually write and generate documentation for our API. This was resulting in several things that were not optimal: Concept of API documentation generator Firstly, … Read more

TimeTac Connect – integration framework

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TimeTac Connect – integration framework is a custom made framework based on ETL concept. ETL means extract, transform and then load. Meaning, extract data from one system, transform it to a proper form and load it to some other system. It represents a baseline for developing data integrations between various sources. TimeTac Connect – integration … Read more