GrazPHP Meetup, Year One

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Introduction One year ago, Borislav Lazendić and I started GrazPHP meetup. We wanted to create a small community of people who are interested in development and PHP subjects. Overall idea was to have periodical meetups. Therefore different lecturers would be able to share their knowledge and promote their work within our community. It was a … Read more

Token based authentication and authorization with OAuth

authentication token

Open Authorization is commonly known as OAuth. This is an open standard for token based authentication and authorization on the internet. OAuth provides a way for third party services to use user related data without user password. Also, OAuth means additional security for user account. Let’s make things more simple. What if there would be … Read more

How to Learn a New Programming Language or Concept

how to learn a new programming language

How to Learn a New Programming Language or Framework is a very common question. We all experience the same challenges when challenged with new technology. If you work as a software engineer you will always have to learn new stuff. For example, you will need to learn programming language, new technology or simply a new … Read more

Clean Code Rules: Improve quality of your code


Clean Code Rules is a proposal of common sense rules. They are easy to follow and can improve quality of your code. Therefore, if you work as a developers and architect, you should be aware of them. Introduction Here is a common use case. You are finished with writing your technical specifications and estimates. Now … Read more

Automation of API documentation

Automation of API documentation is project where we wanted to automate process of API documentation generation. Motivation for the automation of API documentation Before this project we used Swagger standard to manually write and generate documentation for our API. This was resulting in several things that were not optimal: Concept of API documentation generator Firstly, … Read more